Learn what's new in the 4.6.2 Synergy release within CRM and communications functionality.
The one note can be Linked to multiple staff who use Synergy. Similarly the note can be Linked to multiple users, projects, contracts and/or contacts/personnel. |
Refer to the Notes module | Linked to topic for more information.
If you are in receipt of a note, you are able to add a comment, in fact multiple people can add comments to the one note. |
client request
Generate the note attached to the Project, Sub project, Contract, and Contact as a MS Word® document. This can include the Linked items, Meeting details and attendees, comments attached to the note and then be saved back to the Project directory.
What do i do now? Download
or create
a note document template. Then open a Note and
select the Document Links tab. Select the Template
button |
Refer to the Document templates topic for more information.
Refer to the Notes Document Links topic for more information.
Refer to the Notes table topic for more information.
client request
We are have introduced a function that will not only create the Project folder, but it can create a folder for each sub project as well. There's also an option to manually generate the sub project folders.
NOTE your license will need to be updated to use this function, please contact us on 61 2 8197 9000 and press 3 to request an updated license. |
Refer to the Sub project folders topic for more information.
Staff formal title
client request
A staff members Formal title can now be added to the Fee table on an Invoice document template. This is available only when doing Hourly/Cost rate billing and can appear alongside the staff name and/or staff rate description. |
Staff timesheet activity
client request
The activity selected during timesheet entry can appear alongside the staff name, date and rate.
Add the Sub Project Note
client request
Text entered in the Note field within a Sub Project can now appear on an invoice.
Generate a sub project table
client request
All data kept on a sub project that is being invoiced, can appear in a table. With this attributes, residual fee, invoice to date for hourly rate sub projects can be displayed.
Refer to the Invoice claim lines table topic for more information.
Other bookmarks available on the FEE DETAIL TABLE section of the Invoice template this release:
Sub Project and Project Manager |
At the time of invoicing, if the Project Manager has changed since the last invoices, you will know who it was. |
Status |
At time of invoicing, if the Status has changed since the last invoice, you will know what it was. |
Budget |
Display a budget total along with the invoice value and/or invoiced to date. |
Previously invoiced |
Great for Hourly Rate billing, let your client know what's been invoiced so far. |
Invoiced to date |
Includes this invoice value with previously invoiced. |
Residual and Residual New |
There are bookmarks available for the Residual Value before the Invoice is created (includes the value of This invoice) and a Residual Value after the Invoice is created (excludes the value of This Invoice). Available for sub project headers and footer. |
Refer to the Invoice fee table topic for more information.
client request
Attribute values can be added to document templates and will display multiple attribute values down the page. These values can now appear across the page separated by a comma.
Refer to the Adding Attributes to documents topic for more information.
Your email signature now appears on new email messages when creating an email from the Project and when emailing a report or invoice as PDF. |
You can now import a Contact to Synergy from a .vcf format or export a Contact from Synergy and import to any application that accepts vCards or .vcf file format. |
Refer to the vCard Import or Export topic for more information.
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