Refer to basic document template setup before working through this topic.
Setup required before use |
Who can use it? | Where is it? |
Administrator System Administrator |
Administration tools > Document Templates > Edit bookmarks |
Tip: Copy an existing
template to practice on without modifying
a working template .
Using Attributes in Synergy is the best way to customise data stored on your projects, contacts and the like. We then provide you with the ability to customise reports and document templates to also display this data. Through Synergy, bookmarks are inserted into the MS Word® documents, as placeholders, so when the document is generated we know where to insert your data.
Commencement date, discipline, services provided are all descriptors that can be captured on the project and then appear throughout your proposal document. - view example
If your invoice needs to display any additional information such as project start date, market sector of the project the data would be capture within an attribute and then added to your invoice.
As the project document is designed to extract all information stored on your projects, the option is available to insert all attributes into this document type.- view example
You will notice each attribute is repeated, and every other includes a CSV at the end of the attribute name. The difference being the standard attribute will display the values of the attribute group down the page. The CSV attribute will display the values of the attribute group across the page, separated by a comma (,):
Standard attribute bookmark - goes down the page |
CSV attribute bookmark - goes across the page |
Tip: CSV will appear across the page.
Once the initial template is registered it can be modified, but first bookmarks will need to be added. Bookmarks are fields added to the MS Word® template to act as identifiers, so when a document is generated from Synergy, we know where to put the data.
Tip: An option is available at the end to open the MS Word® template on close.
You will need to open the template in MS Word® to finalise the changes made to the template.
Tip: Did you know bookmarks can be placed into a table in the MS Word® document and even placed in the header/footer.
As you add a selected attribute bookmark to the schedule, if the attribute name is more than 40 characters it will be truncated. In order for the bookmarks to function properly in MS Word® they must only be 40 characters in length.
The attribute bookmark on the list on the left hand side is longer than 40 characters and a message prompts that it will be shortened. In the example below you can see the original bookmark name and the substitute bookmark name.
Bookmark name |
Substitute bookmark name |
Project_Attribute_Commencement_Date_Long_Date |
Prj_Atr_Commencement_Date_Long_Date |
Tip: It's the substitute bookmark name that will appear in the MS Word® document.
Bookmark name |
Substitute bookmark name |
Project_ |
Prj_ |
Sub_Project_ |
Sb_Prj_ |
Contract_ |
Ctrt_ |
Primary_ |
Pri_ |
Contact_ |
Ctt_ |
Personnel_ |
Per_ |
Staff_ |
Stf_ |
Attribute_ |
Atr_ |
Project_Manager_Attribute |
Prj_Mngr_Atr_ |
Contract_Manager_Attribute_ |
Ctrt_Mngr_Atr_ |
Amount_Due_to_Contractor_ |
Am_Du_T_Ctrtr_ |
Sender_Attribute_ |
Sndr_Atr_ |
Note_E_Bank_ |
Nt_E_Bk_ |
Original_Practical_ |
Orig_Prac_ |
Original_ |
Orig_ |
Total_ |
Tl_ |
Current_ |
Crt_ |
Then if the bookmark is still not less that 40 characters, characters in front of the underscores will be removed.
Project_Manager_Attribute firstly will be renamed to Prj_Mngr_Atr.
Then if there is still more than 40 characters
will be renamed to P_M_Atr, and so on.
Looking for more help? Try reviewing the following Administration Tools topics: View Topics
Or try reviewing the following Document Templates topics: View Topics
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