Learn how to use each of the tabs within the Sub Project Template. This topic outlines the fields shown on the General, Rates, Team, Tasks, Budget, and Drawings tabs.
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Tip: Learn what actions are available in the list view in the Sub Project Templates List topic.
Enter the details onto each of the Sub Project Template tabs, to automate the setting up of sub projects. The details entered onto each of the template tabs will be copied to the new sub project created. Once attached to a project, update any of the copied details within the sub project as required. Use the sub project template tabs to define the following:
The General tab is used to define the Sub Project Name, Sub Project Manager, Sub Project Status, and to define the billing details.
Enter the name of the sub project template, which will be shown in the template list and used as the Sub Project Name after it is added to the project. The name entered here can be changed when the template is added to the Project. This is a mandatory field.
The active box is checked by default to make the template available for use within Projects. If this box is unchecked, then the template is inactive and cannot be used in Projects.
Select a project manager from the list, to define if the sub project should have a different project manager to the main project. The best option to use is <Project Manager>, as when the template is added to the project, the Project manager will also become the Sub project manager. This is a mandatory field.
Select which status will be applied when the template is attached to the project. If the setting used is <Project Status> then the status of the project will become the sub project status. This is a mandatory field.
Choose if the Sub Project will use the tax rule of Tax applicable to calculate the applicable GST upon creation of an invoice. Or use the tax rule of Tax free and tax will not be calculated on an invoice for either a specific sub project or all of them. This is a mandatory field.
Check this box if the Sub Project should only allow 'Specific rates' for timesheet entry. This will limit the rates drop down list for the Sub Project when entering timesheets, so that only the specific rates setup can be used. Specific rates are defined on the Rates tab of the Sub Project. If this box is unchecked, any active rate can be used when entering timesheets. This setting can be changed on the Sub Project once it is attached to the Project.
Select the staff rate group to be used for the Sub Project. The most common used here is Standard, which will calculate charge out rates based on the Standard list of charge out rates in the Practice menu. Learn more about Staff rate groups. This is a mandatory field.
Select a discipline to be used for the Sub Project. This field can be updated in the Sub Project once it is attached to the Project. This is a mandatory field.
Multi disciplines
When multiple disciplines exist in Synergy, choose which of the disciplines to use for the template. Learn more about how to setup disciplines in this topic.
If it is difficult to choose which discipline to assign to the template, then it is suggested then to make sure a discipline called NOT SET is added to Synergy. Then once the template is attached to the project, the discipline can be updated to the relevant one. Click here for more information on discipline reporting.
Single discipline
If only a single discipline exists in Synergy, select this entry from the drop down list.
Select a cost centre to be applied to the Sub Project. This field can be updated in the Sub Project once it is attached to the Project. This is a mandatory field.
Multi cost centres
When multi cost centres exist in Synergy, choose from the list which cost centre will be used for the template. Learn more about how to setup cost centres in this topic.
If it is difficult to choose which cost centre is to be assigned an overall cost centre to the template, then it is suggested then to make sure a cost centre called NOT SET is added to Synergy. Then once the template is attached to the project, the cost centre can be updated to the relevant one.
Single cost centre
If only a single cost centre is setup in Synergy, select this entry from the drop down list.
Choose the fee type to be applied to the Sub Project. Set this to whichever is most used for this type of Sub Project. For example if Design Development is mostly done at Fixed fee. The Fee Type can be changed once attached to the Project. This is a mandatory field.
This field is enabled if the fee type of 'Percent of Project' is selected. Enter the total contract dollar value that will default to the sub project. This value can be updated within the project after the template has been used. This is an optional field, and can be left blank.
This field is enabled if the fee type of 'Percent of Project' is selected. Enter the % of the total contract value. This will automatically calculate the 'Fee' value for the Sub Project once both the 'Total Contract Value' and '% Claim of Contract' values have been entered. This value can be updated within the project after the template has been used. This is an optional field, and can be left blank.
This field is enabled if the fee type of 'Fixed Fee' or 'Percent of Project' is selected. Enter the fee dollar value which will be used as the default for the sub project. This value can be updated in the Sub Project once it has been added to the project. This is an optional field, and can be left blank.
Select the prefix that will be assigned by default to the drawings added to the Project Drawing Register for this Sub Project Template. The prefix can be changed on the entry within the Project Drawing register if required.
A drawing register prefix must be defined in this field if you want the drawings to be automatically added to the project when this sub project template is used. However if a prefix is defined on each sub project template drawing row, the drawings will be copied when this field is left blank. If the prefix is not defined on the general tab or the drawing row, then the sub project drawing template can still be used to copy drawings into the register manually using the drawings copy feature.
Tip: Learn more about the drawing register prefixes and numbering.
Enter a note to describe the Sub Project. This will be added to the Note field in the Sub Project once it is attached to a Project. This is an optional field.
Specific rates can be attached to a sub project, which allows you to charge a transaction out at a different rate from the Standard. Attach these specific rates to the sub project templates, to have the specific rates added to the Sub Project when the template is used.
Tip: Learn more about specific rates in the Specify a project rate topic.
A team of staff members can be attached to the project. Define here the team for the selected sub project, restricting some people to only be able to work on certain sub projects.
Use the Tasks tab to define what work is most commonly required for this type of Sub Project. Choose to enable/disable which tasks are included from the list of default Timesheet Tasks, or add additional custom tasks to the list. The custom tasks defined here can be used to setup the Sub Project template > Budget tab. Select if timesheet entry for the sub project should be limited to the drop down to only display 'custom' tasks. NEW 4.8.2
Check this box if the Sub Project should only allow the 'custom' tasks to be used for timesheet entry. If checked then all staff will have the restricted list shown for timesheet entry.
Tip: Learn more about how tasks as used in the Sub Project Tasks topic.
Define the budget which will be copied with this sub project as the budget template. Add Staff rates, Inspection rates, Office item expenses, Travel item expenses, Supplier and Sub Contractor Expenses to the budget template for each sub project. Entering the budget within the template helps the users to save time when creating projects, as the standard budget items entered here will be displayed automatically in the new sub project created.
When using the Resource and Capacity Management module, setup the sub project budget template to quickly populate the Project Plan > Work Breakdown tab data. The budget items defined here can be amended within the Work Breakdown tab as required. (*Synergy Enterprise clients only*.) NEW 4.8
Tip: If the required task does not exist, then add it to the template Tasks tab. Once added to the Tasks tab it can be used to build the Sub Project Budget.
Tip: Create a checklist of the required tasks by entering 0 (zero) into the '# Units' column. It is not required to enter the budget hours required within the template, instead this can be updated within the Project.
Determine what drawings or documents are most commonly part of this type of Sub Project. The drawings entered on this tab will be automatically added to the Project Drawing Register when this Sub Project Template is used, if the drawing register prefix has been defined on the General Tab of the Sub Project Template. The drawings details defined here can be edited within the Project Drawing Register as required.
The Project Drawing Register is created in advance of the actual drawing or document file existing, to map out what work is required for each of the Sub Projects. Create the drawing register if the Transmittal feature will be used within the project. NEW 4.8.5
Tip: Learn more about how the Drawing Prefixes and Numbering system works.
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Or try reviewing the following Sub Project Template related topics: View Topics
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