Learn how to use Controlled files stored in the Project, Contact or Contract Administration document libraries. Save a file to the controlled library to enable auditing of who makes any changes to a file, and to rollback to a previous file version if incorrect changes have been made to a file by a staff member.
*Synergy Enterprise Feature*
Setup required before use |
Who Can Use It? | Where Is It? |
User Assist. Project Manager Project manager Director Administrator System Administrator |
Project > Documents tab Contact > Documents tab Contract Administration > Documents tab |
Controlled Documents are files that are stored in a secure location, which cannot be searched for using Windows Explorer. Controlled files exist within the Synergy document libraries for Projects, Contacts, and Contract Administration records. Store files as Controlled documents and a version control history is kept for each file.
The advantages of using controlled files are:
Keep an audit of who made changes to a file, and rollback to a previous file version if unapproved changes are made.
To use the controlled file features the documents must be imported to the Controlled library from the Uncontrolled library. The files must reside within the Synergy document library (i.e. The Project folder), and cannot be imported to controlled in bulk from other locations on the network.
Controlled files are shown in the document library with a white background colour, and uncontrolled files are shown with an orange colour. Import multiple files by selecting multiple uncontrolled document rows using the Shift or CTRL keys, then click the 'import files to the controlled library ' button.
Click the image above to view importing multiple files to the controlled library.
Tip: The Import to Controlled button is only shown if Controlled Documents are enabled for use in your Synergy database.
After files have been imported to the Controlled document library for a Project, Contact or Contract then the following actions are available. These actions are not available for files stored in the Uncontrolled document libraries.
Open a read only copy of the document to check the contents when you are not planning to edit/update the file. Using the View button will create a copy of the file in the Users Local Synergy Documents location. Multiple people can select to view the controlled file at the same time.
The Remove local copy button * is used after viewing a read only copy of a controlled document to remove the copy of the file that is stored locally on the users computer. This feature exists to ensure that information in a controlled document is not kept on the users computer. In addition it is important to remove the local copies of files to ensure that you are always reading the latest version of a controlled file. Each file that is being viewed has the View flag
shown against it in the list.
Remove the local copy of the file * by
Tip: See which files are being viewed by all users in the documents tab by viewing which rows have the image shown against the document row, or view all read-only files in the one list using the '
Read only copies' button in the bottom left corner.
Use the Edit button in the Documents tab to check-out the file. When you Check-out a file other Synergy users are unable to make any changes to the file. Checked out files are locked to you to allow you to edit/update the file contents. Other Synergy users will be only be able to open read-only copies of the file until you have finished making changes to the file and have checked-in the new version of document.
When you check-out a file a copy is added to the users Synergy Local Documents folder, and will remain there until the file is checked back in to the document library. Learn more about the Synergy Local Document folder location setting.
Then the file is already checked out to you for Edit, you can open and close the locally stored file multiple times using either Windows Explorer to your local Synergy folder, or using the Edit button in the document tab. Using the Edit button on a document checked out to you always opens the copy of the file stored on your local PC.
The document shows the edit symbol in the list if it is checked out to any Synergy user. Select a document that shows this symbol to view which user has the file checked-out in the bottom panel.
Click the image above to view a document that is being edited.
Use the Check-in toolbar button after you have finished updating the file and made all the required changes. Other Synergy users cannot update the file until you have completed the check-in of your local copy of the controlled document.
Tip: When a file has been checked-out accidentally, use the remove local document copy * button to cancel the check-out. This will return to the previous version of the file, and any changes made to the local file on the users computer will be deleted.
If the file is shown to be open for edit by another user, then you cannot check-out the file to make any changes. Request the user to check-in
the controlled file so that you can then open the file for edit.
Request a check-in of a file by:
Use the remove the local document copy to:
The local copy of the document is removed from the users local Synergy Documents folder, and the read-only or check-out
flag on the document row is reset. Learn more about the location of the Local Synergy Documents folder.
If the file is checked out then this will remove/cancel the checkout of the file, and return to the previous version of the file. Any changes you have made locally to the checked out file will be lost. If the file is read-only this will ensure that you are always reading the latest copy of the controlled file, or have removed any sensitive company information from your local computer.
In the folder navigation panel there are two buttons shown at the bottom of the screen. Use these to view all files that are currently checked-out for edit, or a read-only copy is stored on a computer. These lists display all the users that have the documents open in read-only or checked-out mode. Use the screen to check-in or remove your local document copies.
View a list of all controlled documents checked out for edit for the project/contact/contract administration record. The details shown for each checked out document are: name of the file, folder, version number, date/time of check out, and user that checked out the file.
View a list of all controlled documents that users have a local read-only copy stored on their local PC for the project/contact/contract administration record. The details shown for each read-only file are: file name, folder, version number, date/time, and user that checked out the file.
If a newer version of the controlled document is stored on the network you can import this to be the latest version of an existing controlled document. This option is used if the document changes have been saved locally to a computer or on the network. The file can be saved on the network as any file name and be imported as the new version of the selected controlled document. After you import the new version of the file, the previous version of the file is available to view in the document properties window.
Import a new controlled document version by:
Tip: Use the Rollback feature in the controlled documents properties window if you need to return to a previous version.
Change which sub folder the controlled document is stored within by:
Tip: If this is a project document is used on a transmittal it should not be moved. The Transmittal feature will lose the 'Link to the Project Document' if you move it to an alternate location.
Move the controlled documents back to the uncontrolled area to make the file visible in Windows Explorer. When you export a file to uncontrolled the latest version of the controlled file is exported, and any other file versions that existed are lost.
Move a file to the uncontrolled library by:
Tip: Only System Administrator access levels can export files to uncontrolled.
When a project is archived it is common for the project folder and all the files to be removed from the network to free-up disk space on the server. Make sure all your controlled project documents are included in the document archive using this feature. Use this after the project status has been updated to Complete or Unsuccessful, when logged into Synergy with System Administrator access. The archived files will be placed in the Uncontrolled document area, to allow the project folder to be archived using Windows Explorer.
The archive controlled documents feature will:
Warning. All controlled documents in the project are removed, and will only be available within the ZIP files. This archive action cannot be reversed.
Archive the project controlled documents by:
Click the image above to view the archive zip files.
Use the Controlled document properties to view the details of a previous controlled file version, rollback to a previous file version, change the Synergy access level on the file, or move the file to a different folder.
Select a controlled document in the list and choose the properties button in the top toolbar.
Tip: A controlled file that has been used on a transmittal cannot be deleted or exported to the uncontrolled library. Files exported to the uncontrolled area will lose the version history required by the transmittal module.
Looking for more help? Try reviewing the following Documents topics: View Topics
Or try reviewing the following Document Templates topics: View Topics
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