Transmittal Approval workflow is enabled in System Settings to stop people with User or Assistant Project Manager access levels from being able to approve transmittal records. This ensures that the Project Manager checks the drawings and versions chosen before they are sent to the Project Contacts. NEW 4.8.5
Setup required before use |
Who can use it? | Where is it? |
User Assistant Project Manager Project Manager Director Administrator System Administrator |
Projects > Documents > Transmittals > Create Transmittal |
Transmittals will send drawing versions to selected project contacts. Project Manager's may want to check all the transmittal drawings and versions before it is sent to any external parties in the Project Contacts. This approval is to confirm that the clients are not seeing information that they should not be sent.
If approvals is enabled the process to send a transmittal is:
If approvals is disabled then all user access levels can approve a transmittal to be sent out. The Submit and Decline buttons are not shown in approvals is disabled, and alerts are not shown in the My Synergy dashboard for transmittals.
Alerts are shown to Project Managers and above to show which Transmittals have been submitted for approval, or declined, or approved but not sent out to the project contacts. The alerts are displayed in the My Synergy dashboard > Alerts panel. These alerts are available to prompt the project managers to follow up on in complete transmittals with the other Synergy users.
Changes to a transmittal status are tracked in the Project Audit. The audit allows you to view who submitted, approved, declined, or sent out each transmittal.
Project Managers can check the transmittal drawing versions are correct before they are sent out to the project contacts.
Turn on Transmittal Approvals within System Settings, and then only Project Manager access level (or higher) staff can use the Approve button in the Transmittal.
Click the image above to view the Transmittal Approvals setting.
Tip: Learn more about the System Settings > Documents tab.
When Transmittal Approvals has been activated then User and Assistant Project Manager access levels cannot approve a Transmittal. These Synergy access levels will submit the transmittal to a Project Manager access level (or higher). The Project Manager will then review the Transmittal, and if the details are correct then Approve the transmittal to be ready to send out to the project contacts.
Complete the following steps to create a transmittal with approvals activated:
Click the image above to view the Transmittal General Tab.
Click the image above to view the Transmittal Drawings Tab.
Click the image above to view the Transmittal Contacts Tab.
Click the image above to view the Transmittal Staff Tab.
Send the draft transmittal to the manager for approval by pressing the Submit button in the top toolbar of the open draft transmittal. This action changes the Transmittal status to Submitted.
Click the image above to view a Submitted Transmittal.
The submit button is the only option available if you have User or Assistant Project Manager access levels. The Transmittal will be shown in the manager's Alerts panel on their My Synergy dashboard, once it has been submitted. If you have Project Manager (or higher) access level you can either submit or approve the transmittal.
Tip: If you have Project Manager (or higher) access level, skip to Step 3 to Approve the Transmittal.
Any user that has Project Manager or higher access level in Synergy will receive the Submitted Transmittal Alerts. Complete the following steps to review the submitted transmittal and either approve or decline the transmittal.
Click the image above to view the Submitted Transmittal Alert.
Approved Transmittal Declined Transmittal Click the image below to view an approved transmittal.
Click the image below to view a declined transmittal.
What's Next?
The transmittal is ready to be sent out.
Send the user a Synergy Note to tell them how or when to send out the transmittal. Follow the steps below to make the note appear in their new notes and reminders panel.
What's Next?
Send the user a Synergy Note to tell them what to fix on the Transmittal before you will approve it to be sent to the contacts. Follow the steps below to make the note appear in their new notes and reminders panel.
The user will then require to update the transmittal and resubmit it for approval.
Click the image above to view an example of a Declined Transmittal Project Note.
Tip: The Declined Reason entered is tracked within the Project Audit history. View the Audit details by opening the Project and selecting the Action Menu. Choose the Audit Trail option from the list.
After the transmittal has been approved, the transmittal is then ready to be sent out to the selected Project Contacts and Staff. The sending process for the Transmittal locks the record to ensure that it cannot be amended. The transmittal is locked to make sure that the Transmittal Document and what is entered in Synergy matches, and is a secure record of what was sent out.
Send a Transmittal by:
Click the image above to view a 'Sent' transmittal.
Click the image above to view a Transmittal being sent via a MS Outlook® email message.
Tip: Learn how to create a Transmittal with approval restrictions disabled.
The My Synergy Alerts plugin shows Transmittal alerts to Project Managers and Staff Managers. The Transmittal alerts are shown if the System Settings > Alerts option for transmittals has been enabled by your System Administrator.
Double click the project shown for the alert to open the project and update the highlighted transmittal.
This group is shown users who are Project Manager access level or higher. The alerts are shown for any Project where you have been assigned as the Project Manager on the Project General tab. The alerts shown are:
The transmittal alerts are highlighted in purple in the screen shot below.
Click the image above to view a sample of a Project Managers transmittal alerts.
This alerts group is shown to any users who have Director access level or higher. The Projects Alerts group is used to view for the entire office how many transmittals are awaiting approval, declined, or not yet sent.
The transmittals alerts highlighted in purple below are for projects the logged in user is marked as the Project Manager upon, and the transmittal alerts in orange are for all projects for the office.
Click the image above to view a sample of a System Administrator's transmittal alerts.
Tip: Alerts are not shown to User or Assistant Project Manager access levels. Try creating a Project Note to request that staff look at the transmittal.
Looking for more help? Try reviewing the following Transmittals topics: View Topics
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