
Notes can be created to store extra information about the project, meeting minutes, or phone call details. Notes can be used to store a message that is relates to a the project, sub project, staff, contact, personnel or contract.


What are Project Notes?

The project notes tab can be used to store extra text based details about the project. Add a new note to assign tasks for the project for a staff member to complete, or track the minutes of a meeting and assign follow-up tasks to internal staff members, and track the details of a phone call with a client.

Why use Project Notes?

Project notes can be used to track the details of project milestones, conversations, meetings particulars, and dates and details of drawing issues. Add these details as a notes so you can track the history of all contact with the client .

How to create a note for a Project

The following are examples of why you should add a note to the Project or Sub Project. Notes are used to keep a history of any type of project tasks, client phone conversations, internal or client meetings, and other information the project team needs to keep know about.


Want to learn more?

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