Transaction rate not available in list

Solution 1

Add the rate to the user:

  1. Open the Staff record.  
  2. Review the Primary Staff Rates on the General tab.
  3. Select Additional Staff Rates and add to the list.

Want to learn more? Staff record setup topic

Solution 2

If trying to allocate time to an Inspection Rate, you need to allow the user to use Inspection rates:

  1. Open the Staff record.
  2. Check the box 'Can use Inspection type rates on timesheets'.
  3. Save and Close.

Want to learn more? Staff record setup topic

Solution 3

It may be that the Restrict to Specific Rates has been selected within the sub project and the Rate of the staff member hasn't been attached.

  1. Go to the Project you're trying to allocate the transaction to.
  2. Open the Project Plan Tab > Sub Project.
  3. Either deselect the restrict to specified rates check box on the General Tab. Or Select the Rates tab, add a Specific rate for the staff member/rate. 

Want to learn more? Project Rates topic

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