Earned Valuations List

Nominate the true value of project work complete to date, which can be different to the invoiced to date value. The result may create a negative or positive variance that can be entered into your accounting system as a journal. 

*Synergy Enterprise Feature* 


What are Earned Valuations?

Earned valuations (EV) are a means of objectively tracking project progress and identifying project performance problems. EV also provide a means of validating the WIP value for audit purposes and, depending upon the practice accounting policy, smoothing revenue over time.

Synergy tracks invoices against project/sub project and derives the % complete based upon invoice progress against the Fee. The EV represents the Project Manager’s assessment of the actual progress % of the sub project as opposed to the invoiced progress % and is recorded periodically (typically per month) against the project/sub projects.

This allows Synergy to compare Invoiced to EV and provide a + or – value, called an Adjustment, to be used both as a performance indicator and a periodic financial adjustment to smooth Revenue and value WIP given the estimated progress of projects.

Why use Earned Valuations?

Earned Valuations are used as a project performance indicator both at the project office or company level. In a practice which is subject to annual audits the periodic WIP valuation is used as a supporting record to validate the WIP entry and related journals.

Steps to create the valuation

Edit a completed valuation period

It is possible to make changes to a complete valuation period. Use one of the following methods if a previous valuation needs to be adjusted.

Other Actions Available

Columns Available

Current Valuation Tab

Tip: The same columns are shown within an open Earned Valuation, on the Sub Project Tab.

General Tab

The General Tab is shown within an active Earned Valuation, and when creating a new valuation.

Notes Tab

The Notes tab is available within Earned Valuations List, and within an active Earned Valuation. Use the notes tab to track and reason or comment on why the adjustments have been entered.

Previous Valuations Tab

The previous valuations tab is shown within Earned Valuations List.

Audit Tab

The Audit tab is available within a Previous Earned Valuation. Double click a previous valuation, and select the audit tab to review these details. The audit will track any changes made after a valuation has been marked complete.

Suggested reports

Report Category Report Title

Sub Project

Earned Valuation Summary Report


Add the following filters:

Project is My Project = True

OR Project Number IS/CONTAINS


Timesheets (alt. to Missing Timesheets)


Add the following filters:

Date IS Between - select a date range up to the date of the valuation

Make changes to sorting & grouping:

Sub totals for Staff Name

Uncheck New page for group

Download Reports

  1. Earned Valuation History
  2. Current Earned Valuation Summary

[these reports will be available under the Sub project report manager once downloaded]

Want to learn more?

Looking for more help? Try reviewing the following Projects topics: Concept Link IconView Topics

Or try reviewing the following Earned Valuations topics:Concept Link IconView Topics


© 2019 Total Synergy Pty Ltd