Home and Profile Settings

Open this page by selecting your name or profile picture in the top toolbar, then choose the 'Home' option. Click the 'edit profile' button under your profile picture on the Synergy Application Home Page to update your profile details.

What are the Home and Profile Settings?

The Home and Profile Settings area allows you to switch between which Synergy Cloud Services database you are using and setup your user profile details.

The Home screen allows the user to switch between which company database they have open for entering timesheets, or looking up project and contacts details. In addition if the staff member has Accounts or Support access, the Home page is used to navigate to these areas. A staff member can have multiple companies shown in this list if their email address is stored on a Synergy Staff record for more than one company database that is replicated to the Cloud. In addition if a staff member is listed as a Account Manager or Support User the company name will be shown in the list.

The Profile screen allows the First and Last Name of the staff member to be entered and setup of what profile picture is displayed in the top toolbar. The profile settings entered will be used throughout the Application, Accounts and Support areas.

Tip: Learn more about who has access to each area of Synergy Cloud Services.

Why use the Home and Profile Settings?

Manage the name shown thorough Synergy Cloud Services, switch between your Synergy company databases, or access Accounts and Support.

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