Synergy 4.8.7 Minor Release
Learn what maintenance work has been completed as part of the Synergy 4.8.7 release.
Daily Timesheets > History. The planned appointments are shown as timesheet history rows when assigned to a staff member. If the appointment is scheduled over an entire week, then it is shown for each date as a timesheet history item. This is part of the Resource and Capacity Management module available to Synergy Enterprise clients. |
Weekly Timesheets > History. The planned appointments are shown as timesheet history rows when assigned to a staff member. If the appointment is scheduled over multiple weeks, then it is shown for each of the planned weeks as a timesheet history item. This is part of the Resource and Capacity Management module available to Synergy Enterprise clients. |
New Project. When creating a new project, only the General and Attributes tabs are initially shown. The other project tabs are then displayed after the new project record has been saved. |
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Documents Tab > Performance and redesign. The Documents tab has been enhanced making it faster to viewing the contents of large project folders. Select a folder in the folder pane to choose what files are shown in the list in a similar style to Windows Explorer. Multi select files to import/export into the controlled library. |
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Documents Tab > Folder Structure. Easily add new folders to the structure from within the Documents tab. |
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Documents Tab > Preview Pane. Enable the document preview pane to view the contents of PDF, DOCX, MSG, JPG, JPEG, and PNG files. This is also available in the contact and contract administration document libraries. |
Documents Tab > Date and time stamp. The last modified date and time of the file will be shown within the Project Documents tab. |
Documents Tab > Removing views or check-in's on controlled documents. When the locally stored copy of the file cannot be found on the computer/network an override message is shown. Override to return to the previous version of the controlled document, removing the check-out indicator or local viewing indicator from the project document. |
Documents Tab > Set the Project Image. Select an image file in the Project folder that will be shown on the General tab of the project. Remove the image from the General Tab using the Action menu > Clear Project Image setting. |
Documents Tab > DWG and DXF files. The icons shown have been updated for DWG and DXF files. |
Documents Tab > PDF Preview. When reviewing PDF files in the Preview panel you can right click and use additional options to zoom in/out to a selected area, and scroll to the additional pages in the file. These options are available once you click on the PDF image shown in the preview panel. |
Documents Tab > Controlled Version # column. A new column has been added to the Documents tab to display the number of versions that exist for a controlled document. This makes it easier to see if you should use the Properties button to look-up the details of previous controlled file versions. |
Documents Tab > Default sub tab is Documents. When opening the Project > Documents tab the default sub tab is now the Documents tab and not the Drawing Register. |
Documents Menu > Archive Controlled Documents. System Administrators can archive all the controlled documents for a project when the project status is set to Completed or Unsuccessful. A separate zip file is created in the uncontrolled project library for each controlled document. The created zip file contains each of the versions of the controlled document, and is named the same as the controlled file to make it searchable in your document archive. |
Documents Menu > Proposal Document. Create a proposal document when the Project/Sub Project status is either Proposal or Active. |
Send Email Wizard. The new style email wizard lets you use an email template to create the email subject line and body, and choose which project contacts and internal staff the email will be sent to. Select a Sub Project in the email wizard to enable the Sub Project email templates to show the Sub Project details using bookmarks in the email message. Click on an email address in Project List or on the Project Contacts or Invoice tabs to launch the wizard. Also available when selecting the send via email button in the Invoices tab and Documents tabs. |
Drawing Register > Link Project Documents. When selecting which file to be linked to the drawing register row a new style of selection screen is available. This looks like the project documents tab, and also allows you to search for a document in the project folder. |
Drawing Register > Copy Project Documents. New style of selection screen is shown to make it faster to select which project documents will be copied to create drawing register entires. Select files from multiple sub folders in the project or search for a document in the project folder. |
Transmittal > Performance. The speed in which each of the Drawing Register and Transmittal screens loads has been optimised to make it faster to complete the transmittal creation process. |
Transmittal > Batch Processing. When approving a transmittal select if the document and package file are created using the check boxes. The creation process is done by a batch process, allow you to close the transmittal window and continue working in Synergy while these files are created. |
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Project Plan > Work Breakdown. Open a task and define the percentage complete for the task. When a task is marked as completed this will be automatically updated to be 100% complete. If later the task is changed to be not completed the task is updated to be 90% complete. |
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Project Plan > Work Breakdown > Copy. Separate toolbar buttons now exist for coping an existing work breakdown row and for create the work breakdown structure using budget templates. |
Project Plan > Schedule > Capacity. A new style of capacity graph is available in the project capacity report this makes it easier to compare the capacity levels against the current allocated hours for the project. This is part of the Resource and Capacity Management module available to Synergy Enterprise clients. |
Resource Management > Capacity. A new style of capacity graph is available in the company wide capacity report this makes it easier to compare capacity levels against the current allocated hours for all the projects for your office location. This is part of the Resource and Capacity Management module available to Synergy Enterprise clients. |
Invoice Maintenance List > Email Wizard. Click on the email address shown in the 'invoice contact email' column to launch the email wizard. Email the contact to remind them their invoice is due for payment using email templates to populate the body and subject of the email. |
Invoices Tab > Email wizard. The invoice email wizard is available when selecting to send the invoice as a PDF attachment, and when clicking the invoice contact email address in the invoices list. |
New Project > Adding Mandatory Attributes. When creating a project add the mandatory attribute details before saving a new project record. Use the top Save button next to Save and Close to save the attributes to the new project record. |
Drawing Register > Copy Project Documents. Drawing rows can linked using upper and lower case file extensions. The case of the file extension is now ignored, allowing files with .JPG or .jpg file extensions to be linked to within the drawing register using the copy project documents feature. |
Drawing Register > Copy Project Documents. The copy drawing window will load the list of Project Documents if a file/drawing exists without a file extension in the project folder. |
Drawing Register > Audit. The Progress field in the drawing register is tracked in the drawing register and project audit. View additions or changes to the process complete in the Audit. |
Drawing Register > Copy from Budget Templates. The Budget Template Types list does not contain duplicate entries in the drawings copy feature on the budget templates tab. |
Transmittals Tab. The Project Transmittals tab now opens in a SQL 2005 environment, allowing the creation of new transmittals. |
Transmittal > Document Template Output. The drawing register Scale and Size details are now shown correctly in the drawings table of a Transmittal MS Word® document output. |
Transmittal > Excel Transmittal Output. The MS Excel® Transmittal Summary output does not display bookmark names in the generated file if there is no data to populate that part of the document. I.e. If there are no staff on the transmittal, the staff bookmark names are not shown in the distribution table of the MS Excel® file, instead the fields in the MS Excel® are blank. |
Transmittal > Drawing Number sorting on MS Word® output. The drawings rows in the MS Word® transmittal output are sorted by prefix and drawing numbers in the drawings table. This sorting is applied when the 0's padding feature for drawings numbering is active or inactive. |
Project Plan > Schedule > Capacity. When you update an appointment on the planning board the updated capacity details are shown straight away in the project level capacity report. This is part of the Resource and Capacity Management module available to Synergy Enterprise clients. |
Project Plan > Schedule > Capacity. If the 'use working hours to calculate capacity' box has been unchecked on a planned appointment, the true number of scheduled hours between the start/end time will be shown in the capacity report as the allocated number of hours for the appointment. |
Project Plan > Schedule > Planning Board. The 'use working hours to calculate capacity' check box setting - chosen when planning the appointment - is retained when moving the appointment to a new date in the calendar. This is part of the Resource and Capacity Management module available to Synergy Enterprise clients. |
Project Plan > Schedule > Planning Board. Move or update the appointment and the correct scheduled hours are shown in the calendar view and Projects to Schedule panel. Refresh issues for the scheduled hours have been resolved. This is part of the Resource and Capacity Management module available to Synergy Enterprise clients. |
Resource Management > Capacity. When you update an appointment on the planning board the updated capacity details are shown straight away in the company wide capacity report. This is part of the Resource and Capacity Management module available to Synergy Enterprise clients. |
Resource Management > Planning Board. Move or update the appointment and the correct scheduled hours are shown in the calendar view and Projects to Schedule panel. Refresh issues for the scheduled hours have been resolved. This is part of the Resource and Capacity Management module available to Synergy Enterprise clients. |
Send Email Wizard. Click on an email address in contact or personnel list, or the email heading on the general tab of the contact to open the new style email wizard. Select which personnel to send the email to, and use an email template to populate the email subject line and body. |
Documents Tab > Available to Foundation and Enterprise clients. The Documents tab in a Contact record is available for Foundation and Enterprise clients. Foundation clients have the uncontrolled documents features available on this tab. Enterprise clients have both the controlled and uncontrolled documents features available. Multi select files to import/export into the controlled library. |
Documents Tab > Default folder structure. The contact folder is automatically created the first time the tab is loaded using the Contact Folder Template (created in Administration tools). Easily add new folders to the structure from within the Documents tab. |
Documents Tab > Send. Select a contact document and use the email wizard to send the file to contacts or internal staff. Use the contact email templates to create the body and subject line of the email. |
Documents Tab > Date and time stamp. The last modified date and time of the file will be shown within the Contact Documents tab. |
Documents Menu > Send Email. Use the Documents menu in an open contact or personnel record to launch the email wizard using the 'send email' option. |
Open Contact > Default width is larger. When opening a contact record the default width is now the same as a project. This allows you to easily see all the contact information and the contact document details. |
Excel Data Import > Card ID. The Card ID number column is now available on the following data import spreadsheets:Contact Update, Contact Classifications, Personnel Attributes, Contact Attributes, Person Contacts, Company Personnel, Company Contacts and Project Contacts. |
Edit Card ID's > Auto Assign. If the maximum value for a Card ID number has already been assigned to an existing record, the auto assign wizard will leave the Card ID field blank. This allows the user to manually correct this Card ID number making sure it is not used already on an existing record. |
Send Email Wizard. Use the new style email wizard to send out a PDF copy of your Synergy report. Select which internal staff you want to send the email to. |
Project > Drawing Register. The 'date linked' column can now be added to the drawing register report, to show the date of the last file used to create the transmittal version. |
Sub Project > Budget report. Create a report that displays the work breakdown details entered across multiple projects. The same sorting used in the work breakdown tab for each project can be applied. |
Project > Drawing Register. The columns Scale and Size in the Drawing Register report now display the correct column headings. |
Timesheets > Staff Expenses Report. Shared staff expense reports can be viewed and run by all staff access levels after upgrading to the new Synergy release. |
Reports > Download from online library. When opening the download reports feature the same list of reports to download will be shown, even though the web location of the download library has been changed. |
Contracts List > Pinned Contracts. Select contracts to be Pinned to create your favourite contracts list. Use the list filter 'Pinned' to limit the list to only show your favourite contracts. |
Contract Administration > Document Templates > Scope of Work bookmark. Add the 'Contract_Scope_of_Work' bookmark to your Contract Administration document templates. Find this new bookmark in the Available Bookmarks list for all Contract Administration document template types. |
Send Email Wizard. Click on an email address of a contact on the General tab and use the new style email wizard to select which contacts or personnel to send the email to. Use an email template to populate the email subject line and body. |
Documents Tab > Available to Foundation and Enterprise clients. The Documents tab in a Contract is available for Foundation and Enterprise clients. Foundation clients can use the uncontrolled documents features within this tab, and the Enterprise clients can use both the controlled and uncontrolled documents features. Multi select files to import/export into the controlled library. |
Documents Tab > Send. Select a Contract Administration document and use the email wizard to send the file to contacts or internal staff. Use the Contract, Project, or Sub Project email templates to create the body and subject line of the email using email templates. |
Documents Tab > Default folder structure. The contact folder is automatically created the first time the tab is load using the Contact Folder Template created in Administration tools. Easily add new folders to the structure from within the Documents tab. |
Documents Tab > Date and time stamp. The last modified date and time of the file will be shown within the Contract Documents tab. |
Open Contract > Default width is larger. When opening a contract record the default width is now the same as a project. This allows you to easily see all the contract information and the contract document details. |
MS Outlook® plugin > Total Synergy toolbar. A 'Total Synergy' toolbar can be found in MS Outlook® after installing the Synergy plugin. This replaces the Synergy toolbar within the add-in toolbar in MS Outlook®. |
MS Outlook® > Email Filing. When filing an email to Synergy you can easily add a new folder to the Synergy document libraries to file the email within. Select which Project, Contact or Contract folder to save the email to from a list of folders that matches the Windows Explorer list (not the Synergy folder template list). |
MS Outlook® plugin > Gmail and Google Apps support. When using Google Apps business email services enable the new setting in the MS Outlook® plugin to use all the email filing features. When using personnel Gmail or Hotmail style account ensure that the 'strip attachments' setting is disabled. |
MS Outlook® > Synergy Explorer Panel. Click and drag the Synergy Explorer panel in MS Outlook® to view the new locations available in the reading and email panes. |
MS Outlook® > Open Last Folder button. This new MS Outlook® toolbar button will open the folder that the last email was filed to. This can be either a Project, Contact or Contract Administration folder. |
MS Outlook® > File on Send email details. The full email sending details are retained in the email in Synergy after it has been filed using the MS Outlook® plugin. The Sender, Recipients, Subject, Date and time shown within Synergy all match the MS Outlook® email message. |
MS Outlook® > Email filing. When filing an email the folder structure is automatically created from the Folder Templates setup if it does not already exist. This action is completed for Projects, Contacts and Contracts. |
MS Outlook® > Email IN and OUT. When filing a new email message it defaults the Email OUT folder setup in the Folder Templates (Administration Tools), and when filing a received email message it defaults to Email IN. |
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MS Outlook® > Auto Log out. When a user closes MS Outlook® they are automatically signed out of the Synergy MS Outlook® plugin, which frees up that Synergy license to be used by another staff member. |
MS Outlook® > Auto scan sent emails. Enable the Scan on Send setting in the MS Outlook® plugin and each new email message will be automatically scanned for the project details after it is generated from Synergy using the email wizard. Disable this plugin setting when on a slow network to speed up the email sending process. |
Global Documents > Redesign and Performance. A new style of global controlled documents search is available that makes it faster to find the controlled documents in the Project, Contact or Contract Administration folders. The Project and Contract Names are now shown in the list, and if you double click the text in the parent contact the record will open. Double click in the other columns in the search results and the listed file will be opened in read only mode. |
Global Documents > Search. The last modified date and time of the file will be shown within the Global Controlled Documents search results. |
Global Documents > Remove check-in or read only flags. Use the global controlled documents list to view all files that are checked out, or have local copies stored on users computers. Remove the checked out or read only flag, and check your documents back into the library. |
MS Outlook® plugin > File email on send. The MS Outlook® Synergy plugin now obtains the sender details for the email in one action, which stops the high CPU usage issues that were reported in previous versions. The process is faster filing an email to Synergy upon sending in MS Outlook®. |
MS Outlook® plugin > File email on send. The process to save an email to Synergy when sending an email from MS Outlook® has been re-designed. Problems relating to memory usage have been resolved in the add-in re-write. |
MS Outlook® plugin > Filing from sent items folder. When filing emails in bulk from the Sent Items folder in MS Outlook® the emails will be moved to the Deleted Items folder upon save. This occurs when the 'Deleted after filing' setting is enabled in the Synergy MS Outlook® plugin settings. |
MS Outlook® plugin > Scan the email for Contacts. When sending a new message and using the Scan the Email button, the Synergy plugin will now look for Contact, Project, or Contract Administration details in the email Subject and body. In addition when filing to a contact the recipients email addresses are checked against the Synergy contacts email addresses. |
MS Outlook® plugin > Maximum characters in the 'save as' name of filed emails. When saving emails to controlled or uncontrolled libraries the maximum characters that can be in the 'save as' name is 255 characters. This number of characters includes the file extension and is the maximum Windows length for a file name. |
MS Outlook® plugin > Filed emails include the .msg file extension. When filing emails to Synergy the .msg file extension is always retained, even if the user has deleted .msg from the save as box in the email filing wizard. This rule is applied to filing received or sent emails that are being saved to the controlled or uncontrolled libraries. |
Xero Connect > Xero Tracking Codes. Xero Connect Wizard setup allows configuration of what Synergy data will be used to populate the Xero Tracking codes on Invoices, Staff Expenses and Supplier Expenses. Mapping can be setup to allow the following Synergy data to be sent to Xero as a tracking codes: Office locations, Project Managers, Contact Account Managers, Project/Sub Project Attributes, or Sub Project Disciplines and Cost Centres. |
MYOB Connect. Support is included for Synergy Connect for using MYOB version 19.9. This new version of MYOB is available for selection in the Connect settings > connection settings drop down list. |
Quickbooks Connect. Support is included for Synergy Connect for using Quickbooks 2013 - Reckon Accounts Premier 2013 release. This new version of Quickbooks is available for selection in the Connect settings > connection settings drop down list. |
Xero Connect > Update Contacts in Xero. When an exact match of the 'contact name' in Synergy and Xero occurs, the Synergy Contact details are updated to the Xero Contact record. Fields updated are Phone, Email, Fax, Address, and Card ID Number. The Synergy contact details are updated in Xero if the 'Update contacts in Xero' option is checked in the Xero Sync wizard. |
Xero Connect > Update Contacts in Xero. When the 'update contacts in Xero' setting is disabled, a new contact record is not created in Xero if an existing record is found with the exact contact name. The existing Xero record does not require to have the Card ID number attached to be used on a Synergy invoice. |
Xero Connect > Update Contacts in Xero. Changes to the contact name in Synergy are not sent to Xero when the 'update contacts in Xero' setting is enabled in the wizard. If the Synergy Contact Card ID is already attached to the Xero Contact record, the sync process will update the other contact fields. The contact name is not changed. This allows you to hold a different contact name in Synergy to the contact name shown on the Xero invoice. |
Xero Connect > Display Synergy invoice text as a $0 line setting. If the Synergy invoice 'Invoice Note' text field is blank, an additional $0 invoice row is not created in Xero. The additional row is only created on a Xero invoice when the Synergy 'Invoice Note' field is populated on the Synergy invoice. |
Staff and Application Security > Power or Named Users. Check which staff are setup as a Power or Named user staff record in the list view. The Power users are shown with a yellow star, Named users are shown with a blue star. |
Staff and Application Security > Power or Named Users. A red warning banner is shown at the bottom of the list if the number of active staff records with application access enabled exceeds the maximum number Power or Named users allowed on your company's Synergy license. |
Staff and Application Security > Power or Named Users. Login to Synergy is not allowed if the maximum number of users setup as Power or Named users exceeds your company's license. Terminated or deactivated staff are not included in the user license count. |
Send Email Wizard. Click on an email address in staff list to use the new style email wizard. Select which internal staff to send the email to, and use an email template to populate the email subject line and body. |
Email Templates > Types. Sub Project and Contract Administration type email templates can now be created. |
Document Templates > Proposal Type. Added the bookmarks Task and Note to the Budget section of the fee detail table. In addition a Budget Header area has been added to the Fee detail table to make it easier to display the details entered in the project work breakdown tab on a proposal document. Proposal Documents can now be created when the Project/Sub Project is at Active status. |
Document Templates > Invoice Type. The fee detail table on an invoice document template allows you to add to the totals section the bookmarks Agreed Fee, Previous Total and Overall Total. |
Document Templates > Project Type. The Invoice contact or personnel details bookmarks are now available for use in Invoice document templates. |
Document Templates > Transmittals Type. New bookmarks are available in the drawings table of the MS Word® transmittal template. Use the Date Linked bookmark to display the date that the last transmittal version was created, or the progress % bookmark to show if all work on the file has been completed. |
Excel Templates > Transmittal Type. New bookmarks are available in the drawings table of the transmittal MS Excel® template. Use the Date Linked, Progress %, or Client # bookmarks to show more details from the drawing register on the output. Locate the new bookmark names in the template by deleting the existing MS Excel® template, and re-creating the template by clicking the Print Transmittal Summary button from within the Project. |
Email Templates > Email Template Editor > Change Styles. Highlight text in the body of the email and click the change styles button. The chosen style from the list is applied to the highlighted text in the email template body. |
Document Templates > Download from online library. When opening the download document templates feature the same list of templates will be shown, even though the web location of the download library has been changed. |
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Sub Project Templates > Delete a rate. Deletion of rates from Sub Project Templates is now supported. |
Sub Project Templates > Drawings. Custom drawings numbers can be entered into the Drawings tab of the Sub Project Template. Upon save the rows are sorted in numerical order. This ensure that the drawing rows are created in this order when this template is used to create a Sub Project. |
Synergy Cloud Sync > Design. When running Synergy Cloud Sync manually a new style of interface is now available that shows each step completed by the sync process. |
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Synergy Cloud Sync > Event Viewer reporting. Windows Event Viewer now includes greater details about the success of the sync process in the Windows > Application event log. |
Synergy 4.8.6 Minor Release
Learn what maintenance work was completed as part of the Synergy 4.8.6 release.
Searching the help files. Highlight colours are shown when you search the Synergy help files. After opening a topic shown from the search results list, each keyword is highlighted with a different colour within the open help topic. Use the highlight colours to easily find the keywords you are searching for in the open help topic. |
Export to MS Excel®. Reports exported to MS Excel® 2013 edition are created successfully. |
Synergy Cloud Sync. After upgrading to the latest release of Synergy, the SQL connection details are retained by the cloud sync application. This ensures the automatic sync process continues to run after the upgrade of Synergy has been completed on the server. |
Application Login. Synergy Staff records with the 'allow application access' option unchecked are not shown in the application login drop down list. |
Project Plan > Work Breakdown tab > Copy from Budget templates. Select a Sub Project row and click Copy in the top toolbar. Select which rows to copy from Budget templates to create new work breakdown items. Use the factor options to increase the budget templates units/ value before adding the rows to the work breakdown tab. |
Project Plan > Schedule > Planning Board. Drag and drop appointments show any dates shown in the planning board calendar. I.e. 01/09/13 - 08/09/13 is shown when the month of August 2013 is selected in the calendar. Appointments can be dragged onto the August or September dates displayed. |
Drawing Register > Link Project Documents. The process to link project documents screen has been updated to stop Synergy from automatically closing if it is unable to read the Project folder. |
Drawing Register > Link Project Documents. Link Project Documents window in the drawing register now displays the file list, even if a file extension is missing on a file. |
Timesheet Tasks. Inactive Project timesheet tasks are not shown in the drop down list when staff are entering their timesheets. |
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