Filing an Email to Synergy is not working using MS Outlook® plug-in



An email was filed to Synergy using the MS Outlook® plug-in, and the user is unable to locate the email message in the Synergy document library.

If the same email is filed using the Synergy Explorer panel in MS Outlook®, the error 'the operation failed' is shown. The email has not been added to the Synergy document library.


This error occurs if the file name exceeds the Windows defined character limit. This can occur in when the email subject line is too long, and this is included to be part of the Synergy file name. Any file name saved within a Windows environment cannot exceed 260 characters.


To resolve this issue within the MS Outlook® email:

  1. Open MS Outlook®
  2. Open the email that needs to be saved to Synergy.
  3. Check the correct Project name is displayed.
  4. Shorten the 'Save As' name for the file.
  5. Select a directory to save the file within.
  6. Click save.

To resolve this issue using MS Outlook® Synergy Explorer panel:

  1. Open MS Outlook®
  2. Drag and drop the email into the Synergy Explorer panel to the required project.
  3. The Total Synergy Email Wizard window opens.
  4. Check the correct Project name is displayed.
  5. Select a directory to save the file within.
  6. Shorten the 'Save As' name for the file.
  7. Click save.

Tip: Learn how to setup the Default email 'save as' format.

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