Broadcast messages

Create a system wide notice board viewed with My Synergy.  Messages can be sent to just one level of access or to all staff or from a particular level and up.

Messages can be set up in advance i.e. indicates when Christmas close down occurs, submit timesheets, prepare billing etc and then have an expiry set to automatically disappear from the My Synergy screen.


Create a broadcast message


Set a brief description of what the message is about i.e. TIMESHEETS


Put a bit more detail here i.e. Please have timesheets in by close of business today

From / to

Set a date period for when the message should first be broadcast to staff and when it should disappear from their My Synergy dashboard.    remember users need to have the plugin for broadcast messages activated.

From access level

Set the level of access the message should be sent to.  Ie if you select User then All staff will receive it. If you select Project manager, then User and Assistant project managers will not receive the message as they are levels lower than Project managers.

This level only

Set the message so that if you send from Project manager, that only Project managers will receive the message.


High priority

Medium priority

Low priority

Reuse messages

You might find a use to send out the same message each week for a day or two, or once a month.  Instead of recreating the message each time, reset the dates.

  1. Click the screen filter.
  2. Select Not active or All.
  3. Change the dates to the current date.
  4. Save.

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