Create reports to view the details of from the Project Drawing Register, or a list of the Project Transmittals. NEW 4.8.5
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Projects > Reports Menu > Project Reports
Also located within Reports > Project tab. |
Reports are available to list the details entered into the Project Drawing Register, or the details entered onto the created Transmittals. The default reports provided display the details of the Approved or Sent status transmittals, to allow you to quickly create a list of transmittal details that has been sent to the Project Contacts. Update the filters on the default reports if you need to also view Draft and Declined transmittal data in the report.
Print the details of the Project Drawing Register or the details of each Transmittal using Synergy reports. Customise the Synergy report to create your own design of the report layout or export the details to MS Excel®.
Open the project and select the Reports menu > Project option. Use the following reports to check the drawing register or transmittal details for the open project.
Go to Reports > Projects Tab. Use the following reports to check the drawing register or transmittal details for multiple projects. Add Filters to the Report to control which Projects are shown in the output. If no filters are added, then the report will display the results for all the Projects that exist in your Synergy database.
Use the drawing register report to create a list of drawings that have been entered in the register for each project. The default report has the data is grouped by Project, then by Sub Project. If a link has not yet been established to a Project Document then the 'Locked' column will equal 'No'. If no version has been marked as ready for Transmittal, then the 'Latest Version' column will be blank.
Create a custom report to add extra drawing register columns to your Synergy report in the function Reports > Projects tab > Drawing Register report. Learn more about how to create customised reports.
Click the image above to view the Drawing Register report for a single project.
Tip: Export the drawing register to MS Excel® or a Synergy report via a right mouse click in the Drawing Register tab of an open project.
Use this report to create a list of all the transmittals that exist for a project. The report displays the status of each transmittal to allow you to see which transmittals have been approved, or sent. Draft transmittals are excluded by default as they are still being created by a user. View the Transmittal Note column to check any extra details sent for each of the transmittals on the project.
Create a custom report to add extra transmittal columns to your Synergy report in the function Reports > Projects tab > Transmittals report. Learn more about how to create customised reports.
Click the image above to view the Transmittals report for a single project.
Tip: Export the list of transmittals to MS Excel® or a Synergy report via a right mouse click in the Transmittals tab of an open project.
View a list of the drawings that have been sent out on each transmittal that was created for a project. The version # listed in the report, was the version of the drawing sent out on that transmittal. The default report will filter out any draft or declined status transmittals. This means only sent or approved transmittals which have been provided to the client are shown in the default report layout.
Create a custom report to add extra transmittal columns to your Synergy report in the function Reports > Projects tab > Transmittal Drawings report. Learn more about how to create customised reports.
Click the image above to view the Transmittal Drawings report for a single project.
Tip: Want to create a document that displays the drawing register details in a format that can be sent out to the project contacts? Learn more about Project Document Templates.
View a list of all the project contacts that were included on the distribution list for each of the project transmittals. The default report displays the contact details for each transmittal that is at Approved or Sent status. Transmittals that are at Declined or Draft status are excluded from the report.
Create a custom report to add extra transmittal columns to your Synergy report in the function Reports > Projects tab > Transmittal Contacts report. Learn more about how to create customised reports.
Click the image above to view the Transmittal Contacts report for a single project.
View a list of which staff were included on the distribution list for each Project Transmittal. The default report will display the results for all Approved or Sent status transmittals. Transmittals at Declined or Draft status are excluded.
Create a custom report to add extra transmittal columns to your Synergy report in the function Reports > Projects tab > Transmittal Staff report. Learn more about how to create customised reports.
Click the image above to view the Transmittal Staff report for a single project.
Looking for more help? Try reviewing the following Reporting topics: View Topics
Or try reviewing the following Transmittal topics: View Topics
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