Revenue per Utilised Hour Report
The Revenue per Utilised Hour Management report displays the average value invoiced for each utilised hour which was entered in staff timesheets. Use the graph to monitor trends in the average invoiced revenue per hour rate.
NEW 4.8
Enterprise Feature*
What is the Revenue per Utilised Hour Report?
This report displays an average of the invoice revenue value per hour in the Graph, and a summary of the invoiced transactions in the Data tab. The data is grouped by month, which is based on the invoice date for the transaction. If the timesheet task chosen for the transaction is marked as 'Utilised' then the data is included in this report. All non-utilised transactions are excluded.
Add the 'Revenue per Utilised Hour plugin' to the My Synergy dashboard to see the details as you login to Synergy. Double click on the plugin to open the Management report.
Why use this Revenue per Utilised Hour Report?
View the Average Invoiced Revenue per Billable Hour entered in all the staff timesheets.
Report Overview
The Revenue per Utilised Hour Report displays the following data:
- Graph - Revenue per Utilised Hour
This displays the average charge out rate for a utilised hour in each month. There is 12 months of data shown in the graph (the current month, and the previous 11 months). The invoice date of the transaction is used to determine what month the revenue falls within. This revenue per utilised hour is calculated as the 'Revenue per month' (transactions) divided by the number of 'Utilised Hours per month'. The value shown on the left side of the graph, is the $ value for the revenue per utilised hour.
- Data Tab
A summary row is shown for the invoiced data used to create the graph. The data is grouped together by month, which is based upon invoice date of the transactions. Timesheet transactions that are for Utilised Timesheet Tasks are shown. The transactions are shown as summary rows, where separate row is shown for changes to month, office, project manager, sub project manager, cost centre, discipline, and staff. When any one of those details are different on the project, then this is shown as a separate row in the grid. The data tab can be exported to MS Excel®.
Tip: Pre-billed invoices are excluded from this report.
The report opens with all the filters selected. This displays the average per revenue value for each month. The graph and data tab are interactive, and they will automatically updated as the filters are changed. To learn more about how to apply filters and other management report basics, please review the Management Reports overview topic.
Example 1 - Line Graph
Get a summary of the revenue per hour for all offices. This is shown by default when you open this management report, as all the filters are selected.
Click the image above to view an example of the report with a bar graph view applied.
Example 2 - Bar Graph
Get a summary of revenue per hour for a selected office, and for selected types of project tasks. Uncheck the filters and only leave the office checked that you want to see the revenue, and update the filters for the disciplines to checked. I.e. Show only the Sydney office, and the Disciplines of Architecture and Project Management.
Click the image above to view an example of the report with a bar graph view applied.
Columns available
The columns shown in the Data tab are
- Month
The month and year for the timesheet transactions and invoiced revenue.
- Quarter
The year and quarter number for the timesheet transactions and invoiced revenue.
- Office
The office location that the timesheet transactions and invoiced revenue were linked too.
- Project Manager
The project manager listed on the project, for which the timesheet transactions were entered.
- Sub Project Manager
The sub project manager listed on the sub project, for which the timesheet transactions were entered.
- Cost Centre
The cost centre listed on the project, for which the timesheet transactions were entered.
- Discipline
The discipline listed on the project, for which the timesheet transactions were entered.
- Staff
The staff member who entered timesheet transaction.
- Utilised Hours
The sum of the utilised timesheet transaction hours that have been invoiced. A separate row is shown for month, office, project manager, sub project manager, cost centre, discipline, and staff. When any one of those details are different on the project, then this is shown as a separate row in the grid.
- Revenue
The invoiced value for the month shown. A separate row is shown for each Quarter, Office, Project Manager, Sub Project Manager, Cost Centre, Discipline, and Staff. When any one of those details are different on the project, then this is shown as a separate row in the grid.
- Revenue per Hour
This is the value invoiced per utilised hour. This is 'Revenue' divided by 'Number of Utilised Hours'.
Tip: A separate row is shown for month, office, project manager, sub project manager, cost centre, discipline, and staff. When any one of those details are different on the project, then this is shown as a separate row in the grid.
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