The Transmittal History for the project is used to check at a glance for each transmittal number which drawings were sent, and which project contacts they were sent to. Print the transmittal summary to MS Excel®. NEW 4.8.5
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The Transmittal Summary tab lists each of the Transmittals sent for the open Project in a grid format. The information is grouped together using the grouping rows: Information, Drawings, and Contacts. Click on the arrow on the grouping row to expand/collapse the information.
The Information group shows the code for how and why the transmittal was sent out, the drawings group shows the version number for the items that have been sent out, and the contacts group shows a yes indicator if the transmittal was sent to the project contact.
Use the Print button to export the summary to MS Excel® to create the Transmittal Summary Document that includes history. The MS Excel® export process will use your Transmittal MS Excel® Template to format and control what Synergy bookmarks data is shown. Control how many transmittals are shown in the MS Excel® output using either the list filter, or the Print # of transmittals setting.
Check which project contacts were sent the transmittal, and which drawings were included on each of the transmittals.
Export the information shown to MS Excel® to create the Transmittal Summary Document with history displayed.
It is often required to create a transmittal summary document that shows the history of the other transmittals that have already been sent out. This MS Excel® document is used to show:
The default MS Excel® template displays the history of the last 24 transmittals created in Synergy. When exporting to MS Excel® the transmittals shown in the export match the filter applied to the summary tab. i.e. use the Sent filter to create an export that only shows the history of transmittals marked as 'sent' status.
Print the Transmittal summary document with history by:
Choose what is the maximum number of transmittal history rows that will be shown on the MS Excel® Transmittal Summary Document. The transmittals shown on the output are always the most recently created transmittals for the project.
Project A has 100 transmittals created. All of the 100 transmittals have been approved and sent to the selected contacts. The MS Excel® template can store a maximum of 24 transmittals in the output. Set this field to '24' and the transmittals numbered 76 - 100 will be shown in the MS Excel® output. 76 - 100 are the most recently created transmittals for the project.
Tip: The export to MS Excel® can send out any number of transmittals. However how many transmittals are automatically formatted into the table is controlled by the MS Excel® template. Learn how to setup the template.
The filter is located in the top right corner of the Transmittals Tab. Apply a filter to the list to restrict what transmittals are displayed. The transmittal summary will only export to MS Excel® the rows currently shown in the list.
The following filter options are available:
Tip: Change the list filter and alter which transmittals are shown in the MS Excel® output.
Use the expand and collapse
all grouping buttons to restrict the data shown in the transmittal summary tab. Collapse all groups and then expand one drawing/sub project group by clicking the arrow in front of the drawing/sub project name. Look within that sub project group for the drawing you want to review the transmittal summary information.
Click the arrow at the front of the grouping titles below to expand/collapse the group.
Looking for more help? Try reviewing the following Transmittals topics: View Topics
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