Register for Synergy Cloud Services

Read how to register for an account to login to Synergy Cloud Services. After the initial setup process is completed setup your profile, you can access Synergy Cloud Services by going to

Tip: Watch the logging into Synergy Cloud Services video to learn more.

Register for an account

Register for your personal account to login to Synergy Cloud Services by:

  1. Go to
  2. Select the link text 'register here' in the top section of the page.
  3. Fill in the registration form by entering your work details for:
    1. Email - This should be your business / work email address
    2. First and last name
    3. Password
  4. Click the 'register' button to create your account.
  5. A verification email has now been sent to the email address entered into the registration form.
    1. Login to that email account an locate the email Synergy has sent you.
    2. Find the verification link in the email text, and either click the link or copy and paste the text into a new web browser.
    3. After the page has loaded your email account has been verified and you can start using Synergy.

Who needs to create an account?

Before you can register to login to Synergy Cloud Services:

  1. Your company / organisation must be setup to use this product on the Synergy server. Learn more about how to setup Synergy Cloud Services.
  2. A work email address must be listed on each Synergy staff record in the desktop application.

Contact Synergy Support if you need any help with the above items.

Login to Synergy Cloud Services

After you have registered for an account you can login to Synergy Cloud Services by:

  1. Go to
  2. Type your work email address
  3. Type your password.
  4. Click the 'login' button.
  5. If you entered the correct password you will now be logged into Synergy Cloud Services.

Tip: Learn more about how to use the features in Synergy Cloud Services using the help files.

Forgot your password

Reset you Synergy Cloud Services password when you have forgotten the details. This is the password to login with what was previously called the 'email' login method, where the email should be your work / business email address.

Reset your password by:

  1. Go to
  2. Click the 'forgot your password' link which is above the password box in the login section.
  3. Enter your work / business email address and click the 'reset password' button.
  4. An email is sent to the entered address so you can confirm this is really your account.
  5. Open your email account and locate the email sent by Synergy. Click the link in the email to 'reset password'.
  6. A new tab opens in your web browser to allow you to setup your new password, and then click 'Save password'.
  7. You are then returned to the login page where you can now use this new password to login to Synergy Cloud Services.

Tip: The email address to enter on the forgot password page is the one that is listed on your Synergy staff record.

Social third party logins - Discontinued June 2018

When Synergy Cloud Services was initially launched we supported third party logins by Microsoft Outlook, Google Gmail, and Yahoo!. As of June 2018 these login options have been discontinued, as the technology we used to allow this login option was discontinued by Microsoft. These login options will soon disappear from the login page for Synergy Cloud Services.

If you previously used the social login option, then to be able to login to Synergy Cloud Services now you will need to:

  1. Go to
  2. Reset your password using the 'forgot password' link above the password box on the login form.
  3. Follow the steps to reset your password for your 'work / business email address'.
  4. You can then use this new password to login to Synergy Cloud Services in the future.

Tip: The password for Synergy Cloud Services is a different password to the Synergy desktop application.

Want to learn more?

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