Create a Contract Variation to keep track of variations, quotes and produce contract sum adjustments (CSA). Each variation is issued an automatically generated number. A variation is then made up of one or more work items; these are then used as the basis for a quotation and a CSA.
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This is an automatically generated number and allows you to have multiple items and amounts within the one variation to make up the variation as a whole.
This column will only appear if you are using a Contract Breakdown. When creating or updating a variation, select which breakdown item to apply the variation to by using either the grey items listed or clicking into the white area directly under the heading Breakdown Item and selecting an item from the drop down list. You can apply multiple lines to the one breakdown item within your variation if required.
If a new contract breakdown item is required, the new item must first be entered in the Contract Breakdown tab with an original contract amount of $0.00. Return to the variation to apply a value to the item.
Negative variation amounts can be entered at this stage.
Enter a short description for the item; this can appear on your instruction for a Variation Quote.
Enter the details of the instruction for that item, this can also appear on your instruction for a Variation Quote.
Use this to link the sum adjustment item to an existing contract instruction. If you have created this variation from a Contract Instruction, this field will already be filled in. An instruction can only be linked to a variation if the status of the variation is Pending Quotation.
Use this column to enter the expected value of the variation excluding tax, this will enable you to compare quotes against your budget amount. A value is mandatory in this field.
In the event that the original contract sum is a fixed value, each variation which is created is expressed as a variation against the contract as a whole.
In the event that the original contract sum uses a Contract Breakdown, each variation created is expressed as a variation against an individual item within the breakdown.
If you need to create a new item that doesn't appear in the available items attached to your contract, create a negative item.
Variations with a negative value can be added, providing the value does not exceed the original breakdown item amount.
Masonry original breakdown value is $5,000. A variation has been received that will reduce the item by $500. The adjustment of -$500 will be processed as a CSA and can be viewed on the Contract Performance tab. So, a total of $5,000 negative variations only could be added.
This is the default status assigned to a contract variation when it is first created and saved. It indicates that the variation is pending an approved quote from the contractor. Changes can be made whilst this status is applied providing no quotes have been registered.
This status is assigned to a variation once the quote has been approved and a contract sum adjustment made.
This status is assigned to a variation when the active contract sum adjustment made from the variation is cancelled.
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