Changing the invoice number is a very useful way of setting an invoice number to your next invoice in sequence.
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Director System Administrator |
Projects > Invoices tab |
Tip: You can also change the invoice number via Invoice Maintenance.
Invoice numbers are made up of 2 parts - a prefix and a sequential counter.
The prefix must only be 3 characters and can consist of alpha or numeric characters. Refer the example below.
Can be up to 5 characters and must be numeric only.
The first invoice created in Synergy will be 00000001. However your next invoice to be issued is INV05409. We now want to change invoice 00000001 to INV05409.
Credits will transfer to your accounting system, enabling you to apply the cancelled invoice to the original invoice. Please check your Office Settings to view your credit number preference.
Invoice 00006108 has been cancelled. Though you'd like to differentiate the cancelled invoice from the original invoice. A suggestion of putting a CR in the prefix will help do this - so the invoice that appear in Synergy and the accounting system is CR006108.
Where: Project > Invoices tab
Tip: This won't be changing the original invoice number, only the cancelled invoice that will appear as a credit ($0.00) in your accounting system.
It is very important that when you change the Invoice Number, the MS Word® document is also updated.
00001106 is changed to SYD01106. If a MS Word® document has already been created, when you view the MS Word® document for SYD01106, it will be linked to the original MS Word® document 00001106.
If you don't carry out the above, you may just change the MS Word® invoice text to reflect the new invoice number, in this case, Synergy will continue to look at the old MS Word® document, even though the Synergy invoice number is different.
sure there isn't a MS Word® document in the invoices directory for the same
invoice number you are recreating. The file will be overridden without
Tip: Once you set a manual Invoice Number, this will start a new numbering system. For example your last Invoice generated in Synergy is 6504 (so the next one would be 6505). You manually change Invoice 6504 to 6600. The next number to be auto allocated will be 6601 - all numbers between 6505 and 6599 will be skipped.
Looking for more help? Try reviewing the following topics: View Topics
Or try reviewing the following credit notes and pre-billing topics: View Topics
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