Project Attributes Tab

Open a Project in the list view, and then select the 'Attributes' option from the tab menu in the top right corner of the Project record. Or in the project list view select the actions menu and choose the 'attributes' tab option.

What is the Project Attributes Tab?

The Project Attributes tab is a read-only display of the attributes entered on the project in the desktop application. Attributes are custom extra data fields that can be setup for a project using drop down lists, check lists, date fields, currency fields and more. These attribute fields are used to capture extra data that your organisation requires for reporting about the project. i.e. Market sector, sales region, commencement or completion dates.

Why use the Project Attributes Tab?

View the custom data fields for the project, to see the extra details setup for jobs at your organisation.

Click the image above to see the Project Attributes tab.

Columns available

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