Approvals troubleshooting
This topic outlines what's involved if you've approved a transaction
against a project that needs to be edited or deleted.
- Any
approved transaction allocated to the <Office> project can be queried
and then deleted.
This topic can be used for Timesheets and Staff Expenses.
Raise a transaction query
- Open the project of the item that has been approved.
- Select the Time & Expenses tab.
- Locate and select the transaction.
- Select the Query this
transaction icon
. Complete the query form. Save.
- Still with the Transaction query open, select the Open
Transaction for Edit
This enables editing of the transaction.
- Now select Show the Transaction
. Close the Query screen.
- Now within the timesheet entry screen, the item that
has been queried will appear in red text.
Alter the transaction
- Either select a different project/sub project or change
the hours.
- Save.
- Select Resolve the Transaction query
- The item is now available for invoicing.
Delete the transaction
- Select <Office> at the project column, and allocate
to the first sub project and task. Save.
- Select Resolve the Transaction query
- One final step is to Unlock the Transaction by selecting
the unlock icon
- Now that the item is unlocked it can be deleted.
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2019 Total Synergy Pty Ltd
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