Troubleshooting problems with your PCs

Unable to view reports


Synergy doesn't open after installing on a 64 bit PC.

64 bit PC

Unable to drag and drop reports.

Windows 7

If you are running Synergy only as an Administrator (all other applications running at different privileges) then when dragging files from explorer (one set of privileges) into Synergy (different set of privileges) you are unable to.

MS Outlook® plugin

The plugin toolbar is not appearing in MS Outlook®. You've registered the MS Outlook® plugin toolbar, however the toolbar is not seen in MS Outlook®

The toolbar in MS Outlook®

Sync to Outlook is not working


When clicking on the Sync to Outlook button you get the message. Could not load file or assembly 'Microsoft Office.Interop.Outlook.Version= Culture=neutral, PublicKey Token=71e9bce111e9249c' or more of its dependencies.  The system cannot find the file specified. 



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