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Practice > Budget Template Types |
Setup the different categories for the budget templates. The template name can be viewed when copying the budget templates into the Project Budget, and when using the template to copy items into the drawing register.
Create different categories of budget templates which is used for grouping and labelling purposes.
The list filter is located in the top toolbar. Use the filter to change which budget templates types are shown. The following list filters are available:
Edit of the drawing description and active status is allowed in the list. If the changes have not yet been saved the green save icon is shown on the right side of the row . To remove the unsaved changes, click the Undo button
in the top toolbar. The list will refresh to saved the last set of saved data.
Budget Template Types can only be deleted if they are not attached to a Budget Template.
Tip: Make a used Budget Template Type 'Inactive' to stop it appearing in drop down lists.
Make a Budget Template Type 'inactive' to stop it appearing for use in drop down lists in Synergy. This can be required if you want to stop the use of a template type in the system,but it has already been used.
A matrix table exists with the rates for the following categories. The rates accrue a set value per item, which can increase based on the complexity of a project. The categories below are examples of Budget Template Types.
Each of the above Budget Template Types has a set of charge out rate and estimated hours required to complete the task, which is used as part of the Project Budget. Also define which Drawing titles are part of the budget template, and define the drawing register details i.e. Title, Drawing Number, File Type etc.
Budget Template Type | Drawing Title | Rate per drawing | Staff Rate Category | Rate per hour | Units required | Budget estimate |
Residential Class A |
Building A - Roof Plan |
1,590.00 |
Associate Director |
200.00 |
3 |
600.00 |
CAD Technician |
90.00 |
11 |
990.00 |
Residential Class B |
Building B - Floor Plan |
2,260.00 |
Associate Director |
200.00 |
5 |
1,000.00 |
CAD Technician |
90.00 |
14 |
1,260.00 |
Residential Class C |
Demolition Plan |
3,130.00 |
Associate Director |
200.00 |
8 |
1,600.00 |
CAD Technician |
90.00 |
17 |
1,530.00 |
Create a budget template type called 'Residential drawings' and create 3 budget templates within it: 'Residential Class A', 'Residential Class B' and 'Residential Class C'. When allocating to the sub project you can nominate how many units are required.
For example
A simple residential building requires Class A drawings and 8 are to be produced. Within Synergy we nominate 8 units and a budget total of $12,720 would be calculated. The system will also calculate the total number of time and expense units and values automatically.
If you have this type of cost per floor, drawing etc Budget Templates can be a great help to add this detail to the Project.
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