Setup the data for the drop down lists shown when creating Project Transmittals. NEW 4.8.5
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Tip: Learn more about creating Transmittal Summary Documents for your Synergy projects.
Transmittals Default Data is used to setup the data that is shown in the drop down lists for Transmittal Reasons, and Transmittal Methods. These drop down lists are shown when creating Project Transmittals, and the details can be displayed on the Transmittal Summary Documents.
Setup the drop down list data shown when creating project transmittals.
Transmittal Reasons are created to explain why the transmittal summary document is being sent to the project contacts. i.e. Tender, or Updated Documents. Transmittal Reason codes and descriptions can be shown on Transmittal Summary documents. Some suggested Transmittal Reasons have been added to your Synergy database as part of the 4.8.5 release upgrade.
Create transmittal reasons by:
Tip: If you don't require the Transmittal Reasons that Synergy was pre-loaded with then you can delete the records, or make them inactive.
Transmittal Methods are created to explain how the transmittal will be sent to the project contacts. i.e. Email, Courier, Mail etc. Transmittal Method descriptions and codes can be displayed on Transmittal Summary Documents. Some suggested Transmittal Methods have been added to your Synergy database as part of the 4.8.5 release upgrade.
Create transmittal methods by:
Tip: If you don't require the Transmittal Methods that Synergy was pre-loaded with then you can delete the records, or make them inactive.
Click the Undo button and the list refreshes to only display the saved rows. The Undo button is found in the top toolbar for each of the default data functions.
Tip: To remove unsaved amendments of row, use the refresh button .
Use the refresh button to remove any unsaved data from the list. This returns the list to display the current saved default data, removing any unsaved new or edited data from the list.
Tip: A row can be deleted if it has not been used in any Project Transmittal Documents. If it has been used in a Transmittal, then the system will warn you and you can.change the row 'Inactive' to stop further usage.
If a row has been used in a transmittal then it cannot be deleted. Make a row 'Inactive' to stop users from being able to select this entry in drop down lists when creating the next transmittal summary document.
Make a row inactive by:
Tip: A row can be deleted if it has not been used any Project Transmittals.
The transmittals default data lists automatically display all 'Active' rows. Use the list filter to view inactive rows.
The list filter options are:
Tip: Inactive rows are already in use within a Project Transmittal Document, and therefore cannot be deleted.
Export the data from any list view in either MS Excel® format or using Synergy reports. Use the Synergy report option if you want to create a PDF file with the list data, or email the list data to a Synergy staff member or contact.
Tip: Suggested Transmittal Reasons are added into the Synergy database as part of the release upgrade. Delete or make these items inactive if you don't want them to be used in your Transmittal Summary Documents.
Tip: Suggested Transmittal Methods are added into the Synergy database as part of the release upgrade. Delete or make these items inactive if you don't want them to be used in your Transmittal Summary Documents.
Looking for more help? Try reviewing the following Default Data topics: View Topics
Or try reviewing the following Transmittals topics:View Topics
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