Setup the drop down lists that are used within the Project Drawing Register, and in drawing register templates. NEW 4.8.5
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The Drawing Register Default Data is used to setup the text that is available in the drop down lists for the fields Document Type, File Type, Size and Scale within the Project drawing register. The Drawing Register Prefixes is used to define which prefixes are available for use when assigning a drawing number to each item in the drawing register.
Setup the data available drop down lists in the project drawing register. This data is also used when creating transmittal documents for the project.
Setup the drawing register default data to populate the drop down lists within the project drawing register, and within the drawing register templates. The default data will also be displayed on transmittal documents created from using the project drawing register information. Follow the steps below to setup each type of drawing register default data, and learn what it is used for within the drawing register.
Document Types are entered to group together similar documents within the drawing register and on transmittal documents. These can be the categories or types of documents that are entered in the drawing register. i.e. Mechanical, Architectural, Engineering etc.
Create a new document type by:
Create a list of the file types that are expected to be added to the drawing register. The Drawing Register entries are added to a project before the actual drawing file exists. Add the file type to the drawing register row to let the team know what sort of file should be created for the sub project. This information can also be shown on document transmittals that are sent to the client.
Examples of file types are: PDF, DOC, XLS, CAD etc.
Create a new file type by:
Create scales that will used to be describe the drawing to be created for the project. i.e. 1:100, 1:200 etc.
Create a new scale by:
Add a size that will describe the intended paper size that should be used to print the drawing. i.e. A4, A3 etc.
Create a new Size by:
Prefixes are used to create a drawing number within the Project Drawing Register. The drawing number is a unique number in the project for the drawing that is being created. Drawing Prefixes are used with the drawing numbering system defined within System Settings. Learn more about the Drawing Number System Settings and view examples of how the prefix and numbering is used.
Create a new drawing register prefix by:
Click the Undo button and the list refreshes to only display the saved rows. The Undo button is found in the top toolbar for each of the default data functions.
Tip: To remove unsaved amendments of row, use the refresh button .
Use the refresh button to remove any unsaved data from the list. This returns the list to display the current saved default data, removing any unsaved new or edited data from the list.
Tip: A row can be deleted if it has not been used in the Drawing Register. If it has been used within the Drawing Register, the system will warn you and then you can.change the row 'Inactive' to stop further usage.
If a row has been used in the drawing register or a drawing template it cannot be deleted. Make a row 'Inactive' to stop users from being able to select this entry in drop down lists when setting up new drawing registers.
Make a row inactive by:
Tip: A row can be deleted if it has not been used in the Drawing Register.
The drawing register default data lists automatically display all 'Active' rows. Use the list filter to view inactive rows.
The list filter options are:
Tip: Inactive rows are already in use within the Drawing Register, and therefore cannot be deleted.
Export the data from any list view in either MS Excel® format or using Synergy reports. Use the Synergy report option if you want to create a PDF file with the list data, or email the list data to a Synergy staff member or contact.
Tip: Learn how make the document type field mandatory for entry in the drawing register in Documents System Settings.
Tip: Learn how make the file type field mandatory for entry in the drawing register in Documents System Settings.
Tip: Learn how to define the prefix divider character, and automatic numbering rules in Documents System Settings.
Tip: Learn how make the scale field mandatory for entry in the drawing register in Documents System Settings.
Tip: Learn how make the sizes field mandatory for entry in the drawing register in Documents System Settings.
Looking for more help? Try reviewing the following Default Data topics: View Topics
Or try reviewing the following Drawing Register topics:View Topics
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