Add/remove columns in a tab or list

Columns can be added or removed in a few areas of Synergy. The customised view is done at a per user level. 

Tip: If in doubt 'Right click' as there is always options available.

SummaryProfitability tab

Projects > Open a Project > Summary Profitability tab

TheSummary Profitability tab contains many columns, though some may not be relevant. Here you can choose which cost and profit you would like to see - Actual or Standard. 

Director and System Administrator will see the Standard cost and profit, and the Actual cost and profit columns. Use this customise option to remove one or the other. 

Project grid


When you select Projects your list of 'My Projects' appears. Though some of the columns may be irrelevant to you and you may want to view more information. You can either customise the view to display more financials of the project or display more of the contacts details.  

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