Configure from what date data is exported from Synergy to MYOB, and how contacts are matched for the export between Synergy and MYOB. NEW 4.9.1
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The general settings have two actions available. First control what data from Synergy is sent over to MYOB AccountRight Live by Synergy Connect using the export date. The date entered here is how far back in Synergy that Connect will look for Invoices, Credit Notes, expenses and payment. i.e. If you enter the 01/07/2014 as the 'export from date' then any invoices dated in June 2014 will not be sent to MYOB. The export date should be updated to match the 'locked' date in MYOB AccountRight Live to stop data from Synergy trying to be sent over to a closed period in MYOB.
The second group of settings relates to contacts and how they are exported to MYOB AccountRight Live. Control if you are using the 'contact name' or 'Card ID' to match the records in Synergy and MYOB, and what prefix should be added to the contact card ID in MYOB for expenses (staff and supplier).
Control what date range of data is exported from Synergy, and if the contacts are matched on name or Card ID's.
The 'Export Data From' section allows you to control how far back in Synergy that Connect checks for:
Click the image above to see the Export Data From option.
The export date should initially be set to the date that you are starting to use MYOB AccountRight Live from. i.e. the cut over date.
Then this date should be updated to be either the end of the year (calendar or financial) or quarter. This ensure that Synergy doesn't try to send over data from a past period that is already locked in MYOB AccountRight Live Connect. The other advantage to rolling this date forward is that the Connect Preview screen loads quicker, as there is less data to check from Synergy against MYOB AccountRight Live to see if it needs to be sent. This can be important as the before the preview sync screen is loaded it checks each item against MYOB AccountRight Live to see if already exists, and then only the items required to be sent are shown in the preview window.
The export settings for contacts have the following purposes:
Option 1 - Contact Name matching - Recommended settings
When matching on the Contact Name only, the following image shows the recommended settings for Connect.
These settings will ensure that Contact Cards are created in MYOB, and updated to include new Synergy contact details if the fields in MYOB are blank, and trim the contact name if you entered to long a name in Synergy (so the name doesn't fit in the matching field in MYOB).
Click the image above to view the contact name matching settings.
When matching on contact name only, then Connect will attach the Synergy data to the existing MYOB Contact is there is an exact match on the name.
Tip: The contact card ID numbers are still used in some cases, even when matching on names as the primary. This occurs when you need to use the same contact for both an invoice and a supplier expense. This is due to MYOB requiring a different Card for each of these types - Customer (invoices) and Supplier expenses. In these cases add a card ID to this contact in Synergy, and update the MYOB existing contact to match. See the card ID matching details below for more hints on this, or contact Synergy Support.
Option 2 - Card ID matching - Recommended settings
Card ID's are used in Synergy to create a unique number for each contact. These are used to allow you to call a Synergy contact by one name, and the MYOB contact by another name. i.e. Australian Golf Club vs Australian Golf Club Pty Ltd.
These settings will also ensure that Contact Cards are created in MYOB, and updated to include new Synergy contact details if the fields in MYOB are blank, and trim the contact name if you entered to long a name in Synergy (so the name doesn't fit in the matching field in MYOB).
Click the image above to see the contact settings.
Prefixes are used to put extra letters in front of Card ID's in MYOB. This allows you to have both a 'customer' and 'supplier' contact in MYOB with the same name, and only one contact in Synergy for all invoice and expenses. The default settings include having no prefix for invoices, a prefix of 'S' for supplier expenses, and a prefix of 'E' for staff cash and travel expenses.
Click the image above to see the CARD ID Prefix settings.
A contact record exists in Synergy for the 'Australian Golf Club'. The Card ID number has been entered of 1236 on this record. The contact (customer) record is exported to MYOB the first time that an invoice has been entered for the contact record.
Click the image above to view the Synergy contact record.
When the contact card is created in MYOB AccountRight Live the card is created as the type 'Customer'. By default there is no prefix in front of the Synergy Card ID, as the prefix is normally only used for expenses (see the below example for suppliers). The prefix is used for supplier records to ensure that there is a unique card number for this contact as both a customer and supplier in MYOB, as Synergy only has one contact record and MYOB has two.
Click the image above to view the MYOB customer card.
A contact record exists in Synergy for the 'Australian Golf Club'. The Card ID number has been entered of 1236 on this record. The supplier record is exported to MYOB the first time that a supplier expense (or sub contractor expense) has been entered.
Click the image above to view the Synergy contact record.
When the contact card is created in MYOB AccountRight Live the card is created as the type 'Supplier'. The Synergy Card ID is put onto the MYOB Card with the Supplier prefix in front. In this case the default prefix was used of 'S', which resulted in a Card ID number of S-1236. The prefix is used in this case to ensure that there is a unique card number for this contact as both a customer and supplier in MYOB, as Synergy only has one contact record and MYOB has two. (See the invoices example where the same Synergy contact is sent to MYOB with and invoice.)
Click the image above to view the MYOB supplier card.
In Synergy there is a staff record created for 'David Choice'. The Staff record in Synergy has a Card ID number 9777 applied. The staff record is sent to MYOB the first time that the employee claims for a cash or travel expense, if the staff expenses export option is enabled in Synergy Connect.
Click the image above to see the Synergy staff record.
When Synergy Connect for MYOB AccountRight Live send this to MYOB the staff record is created as a card type 'Supplier'. This is to allow for the expense to be reimbursed to the employee from within MYOB. The prefix (from Connect contact settings for staff) is added in front of the Synergy Card ID number. The below example is using the default prefix of 'E'. This is done to ensure a unique number to be entered as the card id for this record.
Click the image above to see the MYOB contact card.
Tip: Update the 'export from date' each financial year (at least) to the 1st July. This will ensure that records are only sent to MYOB for the current financial year, and not be transferred for a previous locked year in MYOB.
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