Xero Tracking Categories

Map which Synergy data is transferred to Xero as a tracking category when invoices and expenses are sent via Xero Connect. The tracking categories are used in Xero for additional revenue reporting options. NEW 4.8.7

Tip: Learn about Tracking Categories in the Xero help files at: https://help.xero.com/au/#Settings_Tracking

What are Xero Tracking Categories?

In the Xero Connect Wizard use the Tracking screen to configure what Synergy data is mapped to the Tracking Categories that are setup in Xero. Tracking categories are used in Xero to show a revenue breakdown in reports such as the Profit and Loss report , Account Transactions report, and the Tracking Summary report. Full details of these Xero reports can be found in the Xero help files link above.

Tracking category details can be sent to Xero for Invoice, Credit, Staff expense, and Supplier expense lines. A maximum of two tracking categories can be setup in Xero, and tracking acts like an extra data drop-down list entered on each Xero transaction line.

Why use Xero Tracking Categories?

Group together similar types of revenue streams with tracking categories in Xero reports.

Actions available

Columns available

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