Choose where invoice payments are entered - either in MYOB AccountRight Live or Synergy. If payments are entered in Synergy then you can select to export the payments to MYOB, or if payments are entered in MYOB you can choose to import the payments to Synergy. NEW 4.9.1
Use Synergy Connect to either export invoice payments from Synergy to MYOB, or to import invoice payments from MYOB to Synergy. The initial payment entered in either or Synergy or MYOB is transferred using Connect. Using the payment import/export is an optional extra, that makes reconciling your aged debtors easier to manage as it avoids you having to enter the same details manually in both systems. The filters applied to the 'Invoice Settings' tab will also be applied to the Payments tab.
Enter invoice payments in one system and have the details transferred via Connect - avoiding double entry of payments in both Synergy and MYOB.
Tip: Whilst it is most common to only import OR export payments, the interface will allow you to use both options in the same Connect sync. (if it was required).
Tip: Changes or amendments to a payment after the initial Connect sync are not transferred in a future sync. The change to a payment in one system needs to be manually completed in the other system. The Connect process only handles the transfer of the initial payment details entered (not amendments).
Tip: Payments for invoices are only transferred via Connect. This feature does not include payments for Supplier expense payments being imported/exported.
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